What Is a Running Metronome?

Seiko Metronome DM51B

We often get asked what a running metronome is and how can it help me? Well a running metronome is a useful tool that can help assist amateur or professional runners improve their form, technique and help reduce the risk of running related injuries.

So What Is A Running Metronome?

A running metronome is great tool for any type of runner as it allows you to improve your stride or cadence rate (number of strides within a minute). It’s generally accepted that shorter stride lengths are better than longer stride lengths because by reducing contact with the surface, you’re less likely to sustain any running related injuries.

How it Benefits Me

Digital running metronomes such as the Seiko Metronome provide clear and loud audio cues or beeps that can be used to train and control the length of your foot strides. By learning to follow, control and reduce your foot strides, you can potentially improve your running technique, form and reduce the risk of injuries.

To put it into perspective, most professional athletes will have a cadence rate between 85 to 95 and the average runner will probably fall within the 65-70 range.

By consistently training with the help of digital running metronome, anyone can easily improve his or her way of running and more importantly, reduce the risk of injury.

What Are My Options?

There are currently two options if you want to use a running metronome to help with your training. Buy a portable digital running metronome such as the Seiko Metronome or download running metronome files to your MP3 player or smartphone.

We think buying a dedicated running metronome device is the best option for most runners because devices like the Seiko Metronome are compact, affordable and easy to use out the box. Online downloads however depend on the device you want to use it on, which can sometimes be difficult to configure and set up.

Do you use a running metronome to help with your training? Share your good or bad experiences with us below.