Top 5 Running Supplements That Can Help Improve your Run

Running Supplements
Photo Credit: Chu Gummies

The market is full of running supplements that are designed to help improve your run, as it never hurts to have a secret weapon when you run that will push you further and faster. Most runners have their own favourite secret energy booster they keep with them for when their willpower alone is not enough to get them to the next mile marker. Read on to learn more about supplements for running.

Running is one of the most effective exercises to burn fat, lose weight and improve health but from time-to-time, frequent runners may require running supplements to push themselves further and faster. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the supplements for running you can buy.

Protein and Power Bars

Protein or power bars are one of the most affordable ways to increase the potential of your run. Protein is essential to repair muscle tissue and such bars can also help overcome that hunger feeling in your stomach. It is easy to carry a protein bar to snack on as you run. 

The trick to consuming protein or power bars on your run is to break off small pieces to snack on. This ensures you can digest the bars more quickly and minimizes stomach cramps. Protein bars come in a variety of flavours and textures so there is a large choice available to suit your taste and metabolism.

Sports Beans

Sports beans offer a portable power boost during a run that will increase your distance and energy levels to push you the extra mile. You can consume sport beans quickly and they will give you an instant energy boost. 

Jelly Belly has created many tasty versions of their sport beans in a variety of flavours using real fruit juice. A sport bean is exactly what it sounds like; it is a little magical bean to give you energy while participating in a sport or run and sometimes we all need a little magic to reach that mile marker.

Sports Energy Gels

Sport energy gels like GU are another quick and convenient way to help you get the most out of your run. Many marathon runners consider GU an essential component to their success. 

Runners simply squeeze the gel into their mouths during a run, so it doesn’t even slow them down.  Another great thing about GU is it comes in incredible flavours like chocolate, espresso, peanut butter and pineapple.


In terms of keeping the body hydrated, nothing beats water. Water is a great source of replenishment but when the weather does get hot, energy drinks like Gatorade, G2 or PowerAde provide the perfect body supplement for running. These kinds of energy specific beverages are essential for hydration on a long run because they also replenish the necessary nutrients that your body has absorbed. Your body loses an excessive amount of fluid when you run regardless if it is hot outside. If you want to improve your run, it is essential that you are constantly replenishing your electrolytes and minerals.

Balanced Diet

If your diet consists of a healthy dose of carbs, meat, veg and fruit, you may not need the above running nutrition supplements at all. As long as you have a healthy and balanced diet, your body may already have the relevant energy required for your run.

There are so many different ways to give your body extra energy using running nutrition supplements either before or while you run that can push you that much further and truly improve your running experience. We suggest all runners try some of the above running supplements until you find the one that works the best for you and your body. It helps to have a little secret to success tucked away when you hit the wall and need an instant burst of energy so you can you reach your goal.

Please let us know what supplements for running works best for you.